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Can Ontario Residents Buy a Property in Quebec?

can ontario residents buy a property in quebec

With its vast expanse and diverse provinces, it is possible to explore different regions and invest in property anywhere within Canada including Quebec. If you are an Ontario resident considering purchasing a property in Quebec, the answer is a resounding “Yes.” However, you need to know the differences between these two provinces’ real estate landscapes before embarking on this cross-provincial adventure.

Tax Considerations: Quebec Welcome Tax

One significant divergence between Ontario and Quebec’s real estate system is the imposition of taxes. In Quebec, You need to pay a Welcome Tax is as a new property owner, similar to Ontario’s Land Transfer Tax. This tax is a percentage of the property’s value, based on the higher of the sale price or municipal assessment value.

It’s essential to note that the specific rate may vary depending on the municipality where the property is located. A knowledgeable broker can provide information on the Welcome Tax for each property. For instance, if assist you in your home purchase,

  • I will be letting you know the amount of the welcome tax you will be paying for each property you have interest in.
  • Refer you to a  reliable inspector and notary and inform you about their costs.

This way you will be able to know what you will exactly pay including taxes and all the other expenses prior to going ahead with the purchase of the property.

Irrevocable Promise to Purchase in Quebec:

As part of the Quebec property transaction process, the “Promise to Purchase” concept is introduced, an alternative to what is commonly understood as an offer in other provinces. The promise to purchase ( offer)  is irrevocable  and outlines the terms and conditions of the sale in great detail, so it is imperative to highlight this fact.

In order to better understand this crucial step, let’s examine the common conditions that may be included in the offer.

  • Financing: The buyer will apply for a mortgage loan and if he does not get the financing, the deal may fall through unless the seller asks the buyer to go and try to get the loan from a different bank( contact me for more details)
  • Inspection: If the report reveals major issues that affects the value of the property, you ( the buyer) will have a few options to consider.  The buyer can   a) Ask the seller to fix the issues that the report has revealed    b) Ask for a price reduction  c) Withdraw from the deal 
  • Additional Verifications: The buyer may wish to check with the city about different matters, such as permission to modify the structure of the property, the addition of a basement, etc.
  • Sale of the buyer’s existing property: If this condition is agreed by both parties, the sale can become official only if the buyer sells his existing property.

It is also important to understand the difference between resale transactions and new home purchases, since new home purchases usually require a preliminary contract and additional considerations.

Probating an “Ontario Will” in Quebec:

Quebec’s distinct civil law system presents a notable consideration for those possessing an “Ontario Will.” The potential requirement for validation by the Quebec Superior Court before property transfer emphasizes the significance of meticulous estate planning.

Engaging the services of a proficient real estate agent is particularly crucial in navigating these legal intricacies. For Ontario residents, it is advisable to consider preparing a Quebec Will, a document recognized within the province that can streamline the estate settlement process and potentially lead to cost savings compared to the probate process for an out-of-province will.

Pros and Cons of Buying in Quebec:

To make informed decisions, Ontario residents need to understand the advantages and challenges they face when buying property in Quebec. Compared to the rest of the country, Quebec often offers more affordable properties, along with a lower living cost. Quebec, however, has slightly higher income taxes, which represent a trade-off that requires careful consideration.

The Importance of Professional Guidance:
As a result, individuals are strongly recommended to hire an experienced real estate agent to help them navigate the cross-provincial real estate landscape. 

In conclusion, the prospect of Ontario residents purchasing property in Quebec is not only feasible but potentially advantageous. Understanding the nuanced tax structures, comprehending the legal processes, and recognizing the pros and cons of such a move are fundamental to a successful transition.

For those planning to take this important step, the guidance of an experienced real estate agent is invaluable. I, Alp Perez, have facilitated numerous successful property acquisitions for buyers in Montreal and surrounding areas. If you require further assistance or have additional inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out. Let’s work together to transform your dream of homeownership in Quebec into a tangible reality.

About The Author

Alp Perez is a Montreal based award winning real estate agent assisting home buyers and sellers in Montreal and surrounding areas. His real estate services include but not limited to: Price analysis based on the comparable listings sold in your area , Market Analysis for sellers and buyers, Recommendations on how to increase the value of your property , Customized Search engine marketing campaigns for each property, Negotiating on behalf of the buyer / seller depending on who he represents in the deal, Connecting buyers and sellers with his well known industry partners such as inspectors, mortgage brokers, notaries, land surveyors, renovators and etc. Whether you are A homeowner looking for the best real estate agent to get top $ for your property and sell your house or condo fast , A buyer looking for MLS agent Feel free to reach out to him at (514) 527-2022 or via his email :

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